Amanda Todd war eine
Schülerin, die von ihren Mitschülern und von der ganzen Schule gemobbt wurde
und sich hinterher umgebracht hat. Paar Wochen davor hat sie ein Video auf
Youtube gestellt und hier würde ich gerne aufschreiben, was sie geschrieben hat:
I've decided to tell you about my never ending story
In 7th grade I would go with my friends on webcam
meet and talk to new people
Then got called stunning, beautiful, perfect etc...
Then wanted me to flash...
So I did ... I year later...
I got a msg on facebook...
From him... Don't know how he knew me..
It said... If you don't put on a show for me I will send ur boobs
He knew my adress, school, relatives friends, family names,Christmas break,...
Knock at my door at 4am..
It was the photo was sent to everyone
I then got really sick and got...
Anxiety, major deppresion and panic
I then moved and got into Drugs + Alcohol...
My anxiety got worse.. couldn't go out
A year past and the guy came back with my new
list of friends and school. But made a facebook page
My boobs were his profile pic...
Cried every night, lost all my friends and respect
people had for me... again...
Then nobody like me
name calling, judged...
I can never get that photo back
It's out there forever..
I started cutting..
I promised myself never again..
Didn't have any friends and i sat at lunch alone
So, I moved schools again...
Everything was better even though I sat still alone
at lunch in the library everyday.
After a month later, I started talking to an old guy friend
We back and fourth texted and he started to say he..
Liked me..led me on...he had a girlfriend...
then he said come over my gf's from vacation
So I did..huge mistake..
He hooked up with me..
I thought he liked me...
1 week later, I get a text get out of your school
His girlfriend and 15 others came including hiself..
The girl and 2 others just said look around nobody likes you.
Infront of my new school (50) people...
A guy then yelled just punch her already
So she did.. she threw me to the ground a punched me several times
Kids filmed it. I was all alone and left on the ground
I felt like a joke in this world..I thought nobody deserves me :/
I was alone..I lied and said it was my fault and my idea
I didn't want him getting hurt, I thought he really liked me
but he just wanted the S...Someone yelled punch her already
Teachers ran over but I just went and layed in a ditch and my dad found me
I wanted to die so bad.. when he brought me home I drank bleach..
It killed me inside and I thought I was gonna actully die.
Ambulence came and brought me to the hospital and flushed me
After, I got home all i saw on facebook: She deserved it, did you wash the mud out of your hair? I hope she's dead.
nobody cared..I moved away to another city to moms.
another school.. I didn't wanna press charges because I wanted to move on
6 months has gone by..people are posting pics of my bleach,clorex and ditches
tagging me..I was dang a lot better too.. They said..
She should try a different bleach, I hope she dies this time and isn't so stupid
They said I hope she sees this and kills herself..
Why do I get this? I messed up but why follow me..
I left your guys city..I'm constanty crying now..
Everyday I think why am I still here?
My anxiety is horrible now..never went out this summer
All from my past..lifes never getting better..can't go to school
meet or be with people..constantly cutting. I'm really depressed
I'm on anti deppresants now and councelling and a month ago this summer
I overdosed.. In a hospital for 2 days..
I'm stuck..what's left of me now.. nothing stops
I have nobody.. I need someone :(
my name is Amanda Todd..